A high day in the Catholic church year, Corpus Christi is observed on the Thursday following Trinity Sunday (the 60th day after Easter Sunday).
Vibrant High Masses
The bodily presence of Jesus Christ is celebrated in the Sacrament of the Eucharist, which is also known as the high festival of the body and blood of Christ. In our region, this festival is also known as “Prangertag”.
The most important part of the festival of Corpus Christi is the holy mass and this is celebrated in all three villages around Lake Wolfgangsee.
Corpus Christi Processions
After the mass, a procession around the village takes place in which all the local societies and associations take part, dressed in their regional costumes, along with locals and guests. During this procession, the priest carries the Monstrance containing the ‘holiest of holies’ - another name for the consecrated wafer.
The Monstrance is protected by a fabric awning known as the ‘heaven’. Flower-covered altars are set up at various points along the way, at which a part of the gospel is read aloud. Intercessory prayers are made, hymns are sung and Eucharistic blessings are bestowed upon the village.